Friday 5 September 2014

What Mrs Buteux's Year 9 History class found interesting when doing their own reading.......

Tehiliah Jackson found the war between China and Japan interesting because she didn't know that there had been a significant conflict between China and Japan.

Reanne Quashie read an article about how Zoo's came about and how they discovered that during the Middle Ages animals were locked up for human entertainment, it was only in 1907 that animals were contained in enclosures that were designed to look like their own habitat. Reanne found it interesting to discover how zoo's evolved and how sometimes human beings were also part of the exhibits.

Ashton Kiely read an article about underage soldiers going to fight in World War 1, Ashton found it interesting to consider why young men who were underage would want to go and fight in a war. Lizzy also read the same article about underage soldiers and considered how propaganda helped encourage soldiers to join the war, as they only promoted the positive aspects of war and not the reality. Lizzy found out that the youngest soldier fighting in the war was 12 years old.

The article about underage soldiers was clearly quite popular as more than 10% of the class chose to read it, Tamzin Nash believes that this popularity is because the young men fighting were of a similar age to them.

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