Friday 6 December 2013

Why we love Cecil by Hannah Gunter

Of all the things historians argue about, Sir William Cecil shouldn’t be one of them because he was amazing. He started working for the Tudor family in the Reign of Edward and had to flee during the reign of Strict Catholic Mary I. When Elizabeth I came to the throne he returned as her loyal advisor and was brilliant!


He had no personal ambition for power, unlike other members of the Privy Council, and was unquestionably loyal to both Elizabeth and the crown. He was guided by years of experience in political matters and had the best interest of the country at his heart. He guided Elizabeth, who had not been educated with the intention of ruling, and helped her secure her succession and religious settlement.


He was all about forward planning like when he started planning for a possible Spanish invasion several years before the actual Spanish Armada occurred and did not let himself be drawn into the power struggle of less experienced council members. He worked with Walsingham to uncover the supposed plots and convinced parliament to execute Mary Queen of Scots after she was found guilty of treason, despite Elizabeth’s refusal. Cecil was a strong character and was not afraid of Elizabeth’s infamous temper so she knew she could rely on him to give impartial advice. He worked for Elizabeth right up until he died and even trained his son, Robert Cecil, to take over his job although he wasn’t as good as his father.


William Cecil was brilliant and he deserves a hug because he worked so hard. This is one thing all historians should agree on!

‘Also he looks like father Christmas’ Megan Hack December 2013




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