Thursday, 5 February 2015

Review of the year so far......


             So far this year we have carried out lots of Remembrance Activities such as laying a wreath at the Chislehurst War Memorial, our Remembrance Assembly and each student in the school created a poppy that was put together with their forms poppies and are now decorating the school. We also hosted a talk from a local Historian who spoke to students and parents about the women of Chislehurst and their role in World War 1.

             This is an important year for World War 1 commemorations as it has been 100 years since war began.
             It was also an important year for remembering the Holocaust as it has been 70 years since Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Russian Army. Miss Singer led an assembly with students who visited Auschwitz last year to remember the role of the unexpected helper such as Oscar Schindler and Nicholas Winton.